Booking maternity and newborn photoshoots as a package

I'm so happy and relaxed when I have things done and secured, are you? It means I don’t need to think about them any more. I don’t need to bother and come back to these thoughts again and again. I can relax and enjoy other things. When you are pregnant you are with your coming baby in your thoughts, dreams, in your heart. It means you are waiting for him or her. You don’t want somebody or something to be between you and your precious newborn. There are so many other things to do and to think about! Do you want your peace of mind booking a maternity session together with newborn photo shoot? Sure, you do. You’ll definitely get your memories as a couple keeping these last days of only two of you. And the very first days of your fresh baby will be photographed too. Two milestones, two periods of your life that will be never repeated again. Sometimes you are busy, sometimes tired, sometimes stressed. It can prevent you from looking out of the shell and think “yes, I want this moment to last forever”. Lost in the routine, it might be difficult to stop and find a minute to enjoy and to save memories. You might want to think about that beforehand. Give me a call or message me, only once, and I’ll take care of these two so important photo sessions. Once your newborn arrives your lives will change completely. It won’t be better or worse, but it will be so different. Once your baby is here your family will be bigger and you won’t be the boss anymore! You won’t be the couple, there will be three of you! Maternity and newborn photography keeps the sweetest moments in you life. The ending and the beginning. It creates the bridge between “the couple” and “the family”. I’m sure you can't separate them and none of them is more important than the other. Booking maternity and newborn photo shoots as a package makes so many things easier.